Page name: HBK fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-07 20:05:14
Last author: lenardo
Owner: lenardo
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This is a page for all you HBK fans.
If u don't already know who he is he is the The Show Stoppa The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michales and he also the best wrestler ever.
important stuff about hbk
banners for HBK
hbk pictures
hbk members
current events with hbk
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2005-03-01 [lenardo]: how do you make animated pictures more because i have one of hulk hogan riping off his shirt

2005-03-01 [juvi phase2.0(new poll)]: idk

2005-03-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: 'Taker already has a WM match, Randy is going to interfere with it somehow and get...

2005-03-01 [lenardo]: who does he have to face

2005-03-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: That I can't remember... >.<

2005-03-01 [juvi phase2.0(new poll)]: me either

2005-03-14 [LovinLIFE]: well your wrong...he doesn't have a match planned for him, and Randy challenged him last monday...i'm not sure if he accepted it. but even if he did he's gonna win....bacaurse thats the way it is.

2005-03-14 [lenardo]: he accepted it

2005-03-14 [LovinLIFE]: thats awesome

2005-03-14 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-03-15 [lenardo]: the signing for the match is this thursday

2005-03-15 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I thought taker already had a match, but obviously i was wrong.... :P

2005-03-15 [lenardo]: yeah undertaker will win

2005-03-15 [LovinLIFE]: yeah he will kick ass!!! randy...he sho did get told last night by jake the snake....he said something like"I think you need to reconnect your mouth to your brain cause your talking out of yer ass!!"

2005-03-15 [lenardo]: yeah that was awsome but not when he gave him the RKO

2005-03-16 [LovinLIFE]: i know that got me a little mad.....

2005-03-17 [Siyue]: Howdy

2005-03-19 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Hey there... you know... I'm gonna be laughin' my ass off when Randy ends 'Taker's WM streak... and I'm gonna celebrate my ass off as well! ^_^

2005-03-19 [Xeroxado]: humm... your saying that randy will beat taker??

2005-03-20 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yep... that's exactly what I'm saying.

2005-03-20 [LovinLIFE]: yeah no he won't

2005-03-20 [LovinLIFE]: yeah no gonna win!!!!!!!! and if Randy wins......i will have to cry.

2005-03-22 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: randy's gonna end the ledgend... he's gonna end the winning streak... he's gonna put an end to the deadman's legacey and I will cyr... but it will be tears of joy streaming down my face... not regret. Sorry, but the Undertaker Randy Orton to his WrestleMania Graveyard... at least not this time around. Because he wiil soon fall victem to the

R K O!

2005-03-22 [lenardo]: noway he will beat randy orton

2005-03-23 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Nah, Randy is here to prove something...Rany is here to end his WM reign... and that's just what Randy is going to do.

2005-03-23 [LovinLIFE]: actually i don't think so.....the undertaker will most definately win

2005-03-24 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Nah... Randy will get the job done... BTW... why is this being discussed in a wiki that has nothing to do with Orton OR Undertaker? Just curious... :P

2005-03-24 [LovinLIFE]: i have no idea....

2005-03-25 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: lol

2005-03-27 [LovinLIFE]: hey do you have any idea what rko stands for??? could it be randy's initials?? you think....randy ?k? orton???

2005-03-27 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Randy Knock Out

2005-04-03 [LovinLIFE]: out that makes sense i never really knew what it stood for......

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: lol

2005-04-03 [LovinLIFE]: well seriously i had no clue what it stood for! lol

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Hehe, now you know. ^_^ He's only said it on TV once... and I just happen to catch it.

2005-04-03 [LovinLIFE]: oh wow thats cool. hey i gotta go girl....i am tired so tired that i.............................................................................oop sorry dozed off there for a second. oh and whats up with all your badges saying "stop the fakes" whats that for?? just curious

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Because some guy came into Batista Lovers claiming he IS Batista... and that's just kind of my way of saying I'm not going to put up with it... and I made some for a couple of my other wikis just as warning for any future ideas ppl may get.

2005-04-03 [LovinLIFE]: yeah i see what your getting at. i thought well maybe i should stop thinking but i thought it was because people were like stealing your pictures or something and making banners with them. (it's the tiredness speaking, don't mind it if i sound stupid)

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: lol... it's OK... ^_^ Well, have a good night. Z_Z

2005-04-03 [LovinLIFE]: yeah thanks....later.

2005-04-03 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: lata

2005-04-06 [Juvi_Phase3]: cool so wat's up

2005-04-07 [LovinLIFE]: nothing much really and you

2005-04-07 [Juvi_Phase3]: nm here either

2005-04-09 [LovinLIFE]: yeah i am at the *NEW* library in my's really nice

2005-04-10 [Juvi_Phase3]: that's cool

2005-04-10 [Shark Boy]: yeah

2005-04-10 [Juvi_Phase3]: yep

2005-04-11 [LovinLIFE]: yesterday i got my ears peirced......3 times in one day....sweet huh?

2005-04-11 [Shark Boy]: yeah but matt got fired

2005-04-11 [Juvi_Phase3]: yeah that sucks

2005-04-12 [LovinLIFE]: oh well better him than someone else

2005-04-12 [Shark Boy]: lita or edge should have been the 1's fired

2005-04-12 [Juvi_Phase3]: let's don't get anything started

2005-04-13 [LovinLIFE]: oh.....hell no.....lita is the way she shouldn't get fired you dumb ass....i could care less about edge though

2005-04-13 [Shark Boy]: you're the dumb ass

2005-04-14 [LovinLIFE]: hell no i'm are

2005-04-14 [Shark Boy]: shut up already

2005-04-15 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I don't think any of them need to get fired because what happens in their personal life isn't supposed to brought into the work area... as long as they don't fuck up at work, didn't none of 'em need to get fired... not Matt, not Lita, not Edge... so everyone just quit fuckin' arguing about something that isn't really any of our business in the first place! Especially on a wiki that has nothing to do with any of the superstars involved!

2005-04-16 [Thunder Cid]: you people need to start a wiki where you can fight all you like. My dear friend Archeress dosen't need this onn her wikis she set them up so we can worship our favorite wrestlers not act like children

2005-04-17 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Every wiki I go to it's always about Matt, LITA, and Edge... you know... it sux it all happened the way it did... but geezus... enough is enough. O.O

2005-04-17 [Thunder Cid]: A few of these people are the same I guess they could not find anyone to talk to so they made more people to have a conversation with.

2005-04-17 [Thunder Cid]: All you people worship these current wrestlers but you have no idea who laid the road for them. It was The King Jerry Lawler. Go sign up to Kings Court and give a legend his dues

2005-04-18 [lenardo]: ok

2005-04-19 [Shark Boy]: cool

2005-04-19 [Juvi_Phase3]: yep

2005-04-19 [Shark Boy]: cool

2005-04-19 [Juvi_Phase3]: hbk and hogan r gonna kick ass at backlash

2005-04-20 [LovinLIFE]: oh hell got that right

2005-04-20 [lenardo]: yeah you tell them juvi

2005-04-21 [Thunder Cid]: Nope it will be hassan and davrouri........When a unicorn flies out my ass.

2005-04-24 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: O.O

2005-04-25 [LovinLIFE]: sure it will be think what you want......hulk hogan will kick there asses

2005-04-25 [Na no da!]: This wiki has been nominated for TWOT Wiki awards voting will take place after nomnations, or you could go and nominate some more wiki's , good luck!

2005-04-25 [lenardo]: hey everyone if you have any ideals to improve this wiki please do

2005-04-25 [The Rejekt]: ok

2005-04-29 [HBK 20]: i like the pitcher of shawn michael;s kicking chris beniot right in the chops

2005-04-30 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-05-05 [Lord Sesshomaru]: that's a hell yeah.

2005-05-05 [The Rejekt]: hell yeah

2005-05-15 [Juvi_Phase3]: did ya'll hear wat happened 2 HBK 

2005-05-16 [lenardo]: yes he got a cocussion after edge hit him with the breifcase

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: no not that he got injured yesterday at a RAW house show

2005-05-16 [lenardo]: how

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: he got a knee injury

2005-05-16 [lenardo]: oh

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: yeah i think they said he was in a match with Christian when it happened

2005-05-16 [lenardo]: that sucks

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: no it doesn't

2005-05-16 [Shark Boy]: Christian rocks!!!!!!!!!

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: yep he's gonna beat Flair 2night

2005-05-16 [Juvi_Phase3]: yeah i know

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: yep

2005-05-17 [lenardo]: he lost hahaha

2005-05-17 [The Rejekt]: that's not funny

2005-05-17 [lenardo]: yes it is

2005-05-17 [The Rejekt]: nope

2005-05-17 [Shark Boy]: if Flair wouldn't have cheated then Christian would have won

2005-05-17 [The Rejekt]: i know

2005-05-17 [Shark Boy]: yeah


2005-05-17 [lenardo]: i'm in the middle of a ecw wiki

2005-05-17 [The Rejekt]: really need any help

2005-05-17 [lenardo]: not yet i don't have anything on it yet

2005-05-17 [The Rejekt]: let me know when u need any help on it b/c i'll be glad 2 help

2005-05-18 [Shark Boy]: ECW! ECW! ECW!

2005-05-18 [The Rejekt]: yeah ECW RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-05-18 [Juvi_Phase3]: i know

2005-05-29 [03]: HBK is the fuckin man!!!!!!!

2005-05-29 [lenardo]: yeah i know he's awesome

2005-05-29 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-05-30 [Alkor]: yo yo..HBK all the way

2005-05-30 [Thunder Cid]: What's HNK?

2005-05-30 [Alkor]: sorry bout that..typin fast :S

2005-05-30 [The Rejekt]: wat r u talkin bout?

2005-06-03 [lenardo]: he had HNK but he fixed it

2005-06-03 [The Rejekt]: ok

2005-06-03 [lenardo]: everyone vote for hbk_forever for TWOT

2005-06-03 [The Rejekt]: no

2005-06-08 [Lucifer the Prince of darkness]: hbk is the best.

2005-06-08 [lenardo]: i know so will u go vote on twot votin for this wiki please.

2005-06-09 [The Rejekt]: no 

2005-07-07 [chaza1]: The Angelic Diablo dont b so horrible u could hav least said u would have thought bout it

2005-07-07 [Alkor]: THat chick likes batista more..HBK is the best...Better then batista from what I think..

2005-07-07 [The Rejekt]: yeah HBK is better than Batista

2005-07-07 [lenardo]: i know he could beat batista any day

2005-07-07 [Alkor]: Yea..Havent you noticed that Batista never challenge HBK? I think hes scared cause he doesnt want to get knocked out but HBK's Sweet Chin Music..WHy in gods name he do that to Hulk Hogan?

2005-07-07 [The Rejekt]: since Brock is comin back and they r probably gonna send him 2 SD he will kill Batista

2005-07-07 [Alkor]: this wiki isnt about Brock Lesnar nor batista..GO TO THERE WIKI..this wiki is made for. the one and only Shawn micheals..AKA........HBK

2005-07-07 [lenardo]: no most likley they are going to be a match between HBK and Hogan

2005-07-07 [The Rejekt]: i can tlk bout Brock if i want b/c u brought up Batista and i was tellin ya'll that i heard if Brock goes 2 SD he will have a feud wid Batista and yes cuz there is gonna b a match @ SS between Hogan and HBK

2005-07-08 [Alkor]: Who the hell is BwO?

2005-07-08 [The Rejekt]: it's the Blue World Order from ECW lol

2005-07-08 [Alkor]: FUck yea..ECW invading once again.Thats what im talking about. Hardcore shit right there man.

2005-07-08 [The Rejekt]: that's cool

2005-07-08 [Alkor]: No shit. See what they did to JBL with that chair. You see no WWE super star that brutal for just one damn hit to the head with a chair. FUcken cracked his damn head open looks like. ANyway...

2005-07-08 [The Rejekt]: i didn't c it b/c i found out bout it Monday

2005-07-09 [Alkor]: How can you find out about it on monday when they didnt even show it till thursday?

2005-07-09 [pegasus1000]: The Thursday show was filmed on Monday right after RAW (I was there). Most of the time I think it is live, or something closer to the day, but 7/4 had both Raw and smack down.. SO, go to a spoiler sight for RAW or Smackdown, and you get the low down before it happens on TV.

2005-07-09 [Alkor]: THat bites ass..

2005-07-09 [The Rejekt]: yeah i go 2 wrestlezone 2 find out wat happened on SD

2005-08-22 [Thunder Cid]: Watcha goin do brother, BROTHER, when Hulk HOgan and ALL the Hulkamanics run wild on HBK....Oh I forgot, THEY ALREADY DID.

2005-08-22 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-08-22 [lenardo]: it's not funny

2005-08-22 [Thunder Cid]: Your right...It's hilarious.

2005-08-22 [The Rejekt]: yes it is lol

2005-08-22 [Alkor]: Hulk Hogan sucks. The hulkamanics never ran wild over HBK...Plus, Brook isnt coming back..

2005-08-22 [The Rejekt]: Hogan does suck

2005-08-23 [LovinLIFE]: Hulk Hogan most certainly does not suck. Hulk Hogan is immortal, a legend, hell an american hero, an icon. Shawn Micheals just couldn't get the job done at summer slam. see what happens when someone just runs there mouth. they get beat.

2005-08-23 [The Rejekt]: Hogan sucks compared 2 HBK

2005-08-30 [Alkor]: No shit. It seems like during the years of Hulk Hogan, he never lost. I watched a bunch of his matches throughout his wrestling years and I havent seen him lose. Hes not an Immortal anyway.I bet Ric Flair can bet him. BTW, Hulk Hogan isnt a damn Icon. The "ICON" is HBK, Shawn Micheals, the show stoppa

2005-09-03 [Juvi_Phase3]: yea i know

2005-09-03 [The Rejekt]: yep

2005-09-09 [LovinLIFE]: actually he is....he's inspired, and built that pathway in which wrestlers today take. and btw mr.[Alkor] beat is spelt b-e-a-t not bet. and yes hulk is an icon...hell, he was here way before hbk, not that hbk isn't an icon.....but hulk hogan is anyone you ask. hell, did shawn micheals lift andre the giant at madison square garden. i don't think so

2005-09-10 [Alkor]: Who cares. Hulk Hogan is fucken gay..Hes no ICON. Hes immortl dumbass.

2005-09-12 [The Rejekt]: who do ya'll want 2 win between Masters and HBK @ Unforgiven?

2005-09-13 [Alkor]: HBK is gonna win. Masters suck.

2005-09-14 [The Rejekt]: Masters is gonna kick Micheals scronny lil ass

2005-09-14 [Alkor]: Bullshit. HBK will kick the shit outta masters. No matter what.

2005-09-14 [The Rejekt]: that was a lie Masters is gonna destroy Micheals

2005-09-15 [Alkor]: How do you know if it's a lie? You don't know whos gonna win so don't prove me wrong. HBK is an ICON, a Legend, ect. Been around and won more matchs then masters. Hes gonna get knock out from HBK's sweetchin music.

2005-09-15 [LovinLIFE]: he'll put up a good fight but i don't think he'll soon as masters puts him in that master lock it's over....but i bet the fight will be good.

2005-09-15 [Alkor]: But theres a good chance that masters wont put him in the lock.

2005-09-15 [The Rejekt]: he will get the Master Lock on him

2005-09-15 [Alkor]: How do you know that? Theres a good chance that he wont.

2005-09-15 [The Rejekt]: he is undefeated

2005-09-16 [Alkor]: Just cause hes undeafeted don't mean nothing. Mahammed Hassan was un-defeated but he lost to The Undertaker but noone sent him to Wrestlemania. Just cause he is undeafeted dont mean hes gonna win to HBK.

2005-09-16 [The Rejekt]: w/e Masters is gonna win

2005-09-16 [Alkor]: Masters suck ass. Hes gonna lose. Just shut up.

2005-09-16 [The Rejekt]: no u shut up

2005-09-17 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: [The Rejekt] is right masters is going to win and yeah shut up [Alkor]

2005-09-17 [The Rejekt]: yes Masters is gonna win

2005-09-17 [Shark Boy]: yes he is

2005-09-17 [Thunder Cid]: Yeah.

2005-09-17 [Alkor]: First off, how the hell do you know if hes gonna win? This is a HBK wiki. Not masters wiki. Just go away.

2005-09-17 [Thunder Cid]: No I will not because i'm a co-creator of this wiki. and how do you know HBK will win?

2005-09-17 [Alkor]: I asked you first dumbass. How the hell do you know Masters gonna win?

2005-09-17 [Thunder Cid]: Well when your a run of the mill wrestling fan like yourself you can only guess. When your in on everything that goes on in every wrestling promotional you can actually get updated on the scripts. And never call me a dumbass you cousin fucking redneck.

2005-09-17 [Alkor]: Your not in on nothing and were not cousins and im no redneck you fag.

2005-09-17 [Thunder Cid]: You have no idea who I am. I'm the origional Raven whos wrestling career has sky-rocketed up to the WWE status. I'll know things that go on after the cameras go off that would boggle your mind. Homosexual jokes went out with bellbottoms.

2005-09-17 [Alkor]: *laughs* Your not the "Original Raven". yea, yea yea, go ahead and bleive what you want or wish you were. *shakes head* Your not Raven.

2005-09-17 [Thunder Cid]: No I'm not Raven I'm Ric "The Raven" Hall and your a nobody who only wishes he could live one day in my shoes.

2005-09-17 [Alkor]: I wish not to be a wrestler thank you. I do the real thing and beat the shit outta them. Not no fake crap like you. Your not Ric "The Raven" Hall anyway. Your the nobody dumbass. You think your him but your not.

2005-09-17 [Thunder Cid]: Can't you even try to put up a good argument. Your just embarassing yourself by trying to prove me as a fraud.

2005-09-17 [Alkor]: Well then good for you homie cause I don't give a shit. Your not Ric "The Rave" Hall anyway. Just keep dreaming.

2005-09-17 [Thunder Cid]: What you just said didn't even make sense to this conversation. Now to turn this noninteresting canversation into a useful topic How does everyone feel about the Cena & Angle feud.

2005-09-18 [The Rejekt]: i think that no matter wat happens Angle will come out the winner and the NEW WWE Champion!

2005-09-18 [Alkor]: Have no idea what I said? Why don't you read the convo closer dumbass cause, what I said was perfectly clear. You just cant understand it cause how pathetic and dumb you are.

2005-09-18 [The Rejekt]: who the hell r u tlkn 2

2005-09-18 [Alkor]: *sigh* I certainly wasn't talking to you. Look at the time difference beside the convo...Cena sucks. ANgle will win.

2005-09-18 [The Rejekt]: ok i was just makin sure

2005-09-19 [Alkor]: Aight.

2005-09-19 [The Rejekt]: damnit Micheals did win

2005-09-19 [Alkor]: Damn right he did and how do you know if he won if they didn't show the brodcast on tv?

2005-09-19 [Alkor]: Sorry, wasn't paying attention. >< I just looked on and thought the matches were for yesterday. God I feel dumb. Sorry. ><

2005-09-19 [The Rejekt]: i watched Unforgiven lol

2005-09-19 [Alkor]: Awsome. Angle should have recieved the wwe cahmp belt from fucken Cena. Oh-well, good news is, HBK won and Flair is the new WWE Intercontinental Champ.

2005-09-19 [The Rejekt]: Flair was takin Viagra lol

2005-09-20 [Alkor]: Fuck that shit. Just cuase you wanted The damn afro jackass to win don't mean you can dis Flair. Flair is the best and Carlito sucks monkey ass.

2005-09-20 [The Rejekt]: he did it showed it on the PPV last night if u would have watched it then u would know wat i was tlkn bout

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